Bike lanes have been installed as part of the Euclid Corridor Project scheduled to be finished by the fall of 2008. These lanes run alongside the Silver Line Rapid Transit Bus Line, helping to create a model ‘Complete Street’ and a multi-modal corridor for bicycles, transit users, and car drivers alike.
The Euclid Corridor has the longest contiguous bike lanes in the City of Cleveland.
The Euclid Avenue Bike Lanes connect Downtown Cleveland and Cleveland State University to University Circle and Case Western Reserve University.

The City of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, and NOACA made the inclusion of bike lanes an integral part of the Euclid Corridor Project.
This project represents the realization of part of the city’s civic vision to become a Green City on a Blue Lake.
Public officials are continuing to work to expand transportation choices for all of Cleveland’s residents.
‘Tube’ – cutting dedicating the Euclid Avenue bike lanes on October 25, 2008.
The Silver Line will operate in an exclusive center median busway with
transit stops