Near West Design Review Case Report
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Project Information
Near West Case # NW 2016-034
Address: | 3510 Fulton Road |
Company: | Rakauskas Architecture |
Architect: | Rakauskas Architecture |
Description: | Proposed 960 SF expansion of current 3,900 SF masonry commercial building to accommodate a new coffee house & related fenced-in outdoor seating area. |
Notes: | |
Committee Actions/Submissions
Date: | September 7, 2016 |
Committee: | Staff |
Action Type: | Initial Plan Submission |
Conditions/Notes: | |
Date: | September 14, 2016 |
Committee: | Local Design Review Committee |
Action Type: | Approved |
Conditions: | |
Committee moved to recommend schematic approval of the project design for an addition to the east end of the existing convenience store building and its related outdoor seating area. |
Date: | February 15, 2017 |
Committee: | Staff |
Action Type: | Initial Plan Submission |
Conditions/Notes: | |
Date: | February 22, 2017 |
Committee: | Local Design Review Committee |
Action Type: | Approved with Conditions |
Conditions: | |
Committee moved to recommend schematic approval of the revised project design as submitted w/the understanding that the project sponsor explore the incorporation of a 6'-6" glazed area including space for a doorway feature along the new addition's east facing wall, matching the bevel of the existing facade. The Committee also asked that consideration be given to adding additional parking in the triangular area near the West 41st St.-West 44th St. intersection as a remedy to the perception that strip center lacks sufficient capacity during peak patronage periods. The Committee also chose to table action on the design of the proposed unified signage fascia panel and the site's landscping. |
Date: | March 15, 2017 |
Committee: | Staff |
Action Type: | Revised Plan Submission |
Conditions/Notes: | |
Date: | March 22, 2017 |
Committee: | Local Design Review Committee |
Action Type: | Approved with Conditions |
Conditions: | |
Committee moved to recommend approval of the project design as presented with the understanding that: (1) parking space #13 on the site plan is removed to allow for more efficient automobile circulation; (2) a portion of former parking space #13 is modified to allow for an expansion and squaring off of the landscape planting bed located immediately to its south; (3) the handicap parking space depicted on the plan be moved to the east to align with the existing handicap ramp; and (4) an inverted U-style bike rack(s) be added to the site plan adjacnent to parking space #7. |
Date: | November 1, 2017 |
Committee: | Staff |
Action Type: | Revised Plan Submission |
Conditions/Notes: | |
Date: | November 8, 2017 |
Committee: | Local Design Review Committee |
Action Type: | Tabled |
Conditions: | |
The Committee moved to recommend tabling action on the proposed sign fascia panel feature with the understanding that the project sponsor further study: (1) corner details on the eastern elevation of the sign fascia panel; (2) the background color of the sign fascia panel; (3) desgn of the proposed signage to be placed on the fascia panel; and, (4) the design and placement of the proposed brick support piers. The revisions will be reivewed at a subsequent Design Review Committee meeting. |
Date: | December 6, 2017 |
Committee: | Staff |
Action Type: | Revised Plan Submission |
Conditions/Notes: | |
Date: | December 13, 2017 |
Committee: | Local Design Review Committee |
Action Type: | Approved with Conditions |
Conditions: | |
At the time of vote, Committee was below the required voting quorum of 5 voters (out of 8 total members). As a result, Committee moved to recommend preliminary approval of the revised design for the sign fascia panel as presented, w/the understanding that the motion would be circulated via e-mail to the absent members for ratification. It should be noted that Committee member John Rakauskas abstained from voting due to his representation of the project sponsor. |